Fruit is nature’s ready-made snack, full of vitamins, fibre, and other nutrients that contribute to a healthy diet. Fruit is also low in calories and high in fibre, which may aid in weight loss. In fact, eating fruit is associated with a lower body weight as well as a lower risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and heart disease.
Grapefruit is a hybrid of a pomelo and an orange that is commonly associated with dieting and weight loss. Half a grapefruit has only 39 calories but provides 65 percent of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin C. Red varieties also supply 28% of the RDI for vitamin A.
Furthermore, grapefruit has a low glycemic index (GI), which means it slowly releases sugar into your bloodstream. Although evidence is limited, a low-GI diet may aid in weight loss and maintenance.
In a 12-week study of 85 obese people, eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice before meals resulted in a reduction in calorie intake, a 7.1% reduction in body weight, and improved cholesterol levels.
Apples are high in fibre and low in calories, with 116 calories and 5.4 grammes of fibre per large fruit (223 grams). They have also been shown to aid in weight loss.
In one study, women were given three apples, three pears, or three oat cookies per day for ten weeks, all of which had the same calorie value. The apple group lost 2 pounds (0.91 kg), the pear group 1.6 pounds (0.84 kg), and the oat group did not lose any weight.
Furthermore, a four-year observational study of 124,086 people found that people who ate apples lost an average of 1.24 pounds (0.56 kg) per daily serving.
A 1/2 cup (74 grammes) of blueberries, for example, has only 42 calories but contains 12 percent of the RDI for vitamin C and manganese, as well as 18 percent for vitamin K.
One cup (152 grammes) of strawberries contains less than 50 calories, 3 grammes of dietary fibre, and 150 percent of the RDI for vitamin C and nearly 30 percent for manganese.
Berries have been shown to be filling as well. In one small study, people who were given a 65-calorie berry snack ate less food at the next meal than those who were given the same number of calories in candy. Berries, whether fresh or frozen, can be mixed into cereal or yoghurt for breakfast, blended into a healthy smoothie, mixed into baked goods, or tossed in salads.
Stone Fruit
Stone fruits, also known as drupes, are a type of seasonal fruit with a fleshy exterior and an interior stone, or pit. Peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, and apricots are among them. Stone fruits are low-GI, low-calorie, and high in nutrients such as vitamins C and A, making them ideal for dieters.
One medium peach (150 grammes) has 58 calories, while one cup (130 grammes) of cherries has 87 calories, and two small plums (120 grammes) or four apricots (140 grammes) have only 60 calories. Stone fruits are a more nutrient-dense, filling option than unhealthy snack foods like chips or cookies.
Passion Fruit
Passion fruit is a South American fruit that grows on a lovely flowering vine. It has a tough outer rind that can be purple or yellow, with an edible, pulpy seed mass inside. One fruit (18 grammes) has only 17 calories and is high in fibre, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and potassium.
Passion fruit contains a lot of fibre for such a small fruit. In fact, five of them provide 42 percent of the RDI while consuming less than 100 calories. Fiber slows digestion, allowing you to feel fuller for longer periods of time and controlling your appetite.
Furthermore, passion fruit seeds contain piceatannol, a compound linked to lower blood pressure and improved insulin sensitivity in overweight men. More research, however, is required.