Fruits are one of the controversial ideas about whether they should be included in a diet plan for someone trying to lose weight.
Fruits are generally carbohydrates, and because they contain natural sugar, there has been some debate about whether they can aid in weight loss.
Fruits are carbohydrate-containing foods, with some containing less sugar than others. In addition, while they are generally high in fibre, some have slightly lower levels. If you’re trying to lose weight, choose fruits that are high in fibre and low in sugar.
Below are such ten fruits which can aid in your weight loss plans –
Pineapple – This bright yellow exotic fruit contains 79 grammes of vitamin C and only 83 kcal per cup, making it an ideal filling snack for your weight loss programme. It also has a high water content of 86%. According to research, reducing the energy density of the diet by including water-rich fruits and vegetables aids in weight loss.
Stone fruits – This group includes plums, apricots, peaches, nectarines, and cherries. Stone fruits are typically low in calories and high in water content. Two small plums or four apricots have about 60 calories; one medium peach or nectarine has 58 calories; and one cup of cherries has 87 calories. The bioactive compounds found in stone fruits may help fight obesity, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of diabetes.
Kiwifruit – This small tropical fruit is high in nutrients like vitamin C, folate, and fibre. One medium kiwifruit contains 42 calories and 2.1 grammes of fibre. A small study found that eating two kiwis per day for 12 weeks reduced waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio significantly.
Avocados – A medium avocado has 227 calories, 21 grammes of fat, and 9.3 grammes of fibre. But the high fat and caloric content of avocados does not imply that you will gain weight after eating them. Avocados, on the other hand, may keep you fuller for longer, preventing you from overeating or bingeing during the day.
Papaya – One small papaya contains 67.5 calories and 2.7 grammes of fibre, making it a tropical fibrous gem. It is also high in vitamin C (95.6 mg) and contains 88% water. Because of the high fibre and water content, you may end up consuming fewer calories throughout the day.
Grapefruit – For many years, this sour and juicy fruit has had a good reputation in the weight loss industry. Half a grapefruit contains 37 kcal, 1.4 g of fibre, and 92% water. People who consumed grapefruit before each meal for 12 weeks lost weight and had better insulin levels and lipid profiles, according to research.
Melons – They are one of nature’s most delicious snacks. A cup of watermelon contains 46 calories, whereas a cup of melon contains 61 calories. They both contain approximately 90% water, which helps to keep you full and prevents you from bingeing during the day. The natural sweetness and high water content also aid in craving reduction.
Berries – Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries are among the delicious fruits in this category. These nutrient-dense foods are low in calories and high in fibre and water content. As a result, they are a wise food choice when trying to lose weight. According to one small study, people who ate berries in the afternoon ate less food at dinner. Their sweetness can also help satisfy sugar cravings.
Apples – Apples, another popular fruit in weight loss programmes, are low in calories and high in fibre, with 95 kcal and 4.4 g of fibre per medium fruit. They not only keep the doctor at bay, but they also keep the pounds at bay. According to one study, women who ate three apples per day for ten weeks reduced their energy consumption during the day and lost weight.
Oranges – Oranges are one of the sweetest citrus fruits and are high in vitamin C and fibre. One medium orange contains 65 kcal, 3.4 g of fibre, and 87% water. They also aid in weight loss due to their high fibre and water content. They, like apples, are very portable and keep you full for a longer period of time after eating.