Joining Forces for Children India (JFI) publishes its report on Sexual Violence Against Children in India

Launched as a desk study in Delhi in November 2020, Joining Forces for Children India (JFI) has now launched its report on ‘Sexual Violence Against Children in India’ at an event in the city. Commissioned to review and understand the current scenario of sexual violence perpetrated against children in India, the desk study report analyses the situation of child protection across different regions based on data collected from all over the country and provides important recommendations on how to tackle this growing problem. The report was released along with the Maharashtra State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (MSCPCR) and serves to highlight the future direction for JFI and other organisations with regards to their work on child rights and protection.

The desk study report was released by Sushiben Shah, Chairperson-MSCPCR, in the presence of Deepak Pandey, Special Inspector General of Police -Women and Child Atrocities Prevention Department, Nilima Sonar- Member of Child Rights Commission, Alpa Vora from UNICEF, Pradip Pachpande of Childline Foundation, Advocate Audrey from Majlis, Santosh Shinde- Former member of Child Rights Commission, Mr. Rahul More, Dy. Commissioner, Dept. of Women and Child Development and members from JFI’s partner organizations. Revealing a 20% increase in incidents of sexual violence against children over the last five years, key snippets of the report were shared during the event and elicited a continued support from all participating members towards the goal of securing the rights of every child in the country.

An alliance between six global child rights-focused organisations including SOS Children’s Villages of India, JFI has been working towards the well-being and protection of rights of vulnerable children since 2017. Child Fund India, Plan India, Save the Children India, Terre des hommes and World Vision India are the other organisations that are a part of this alliance, piloting and scaling innovative and effective approaches to end violence against children.

About SOS Children’s Villages of India

Established in 1964, SOS Children’s Villages of India provides children without parental care or at the risk of losing it, a value chain of quality care services that goes beyond childcare alone, ensuring comprehensive child development. Our customized care interventions such as: Family Like Care, Family Strengthening, Kinship Care, Short Stay Homes, Foster Care, Youth Skilling, Emergency Childcare and Special Needs Childcare are aimed at transforming lives and enabling children under care into self-reliant and contributing members of society. The organization empowers vulnerable families in communities to become financially independent, thereby enabling them to create safe and nurturing spaces for children under their care. Today, over 6,500 children live in more than 440 family homes, inside 32 SOS Children’s Villages of India, in 22 States/UTs, from Srinagar to Kochi, and Bhuj to Shillong. They are lovingly cared for and nurtured by over 600 SOS Mothers and Aunts. As India’s largest self-implementing childcare NGO, SOS Children’s Villages India directly touches the lives of around 30,000 children every year.

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