Police in West Bengal’s Howrah District Hospital detained a contract laboratory technician on allegations of abusing a 13-year-old patient on the premises of the hospital, according to statements made by hospital officials here on Sunday. Late on Saturday night, the accused was taken into custody following the incident.
According to medical officials, the victim was taken to the hospital for a CT scan after suffering pneumonia. She was taken to the hospital laboratory, where she was allegedly abused by a technician named Aman Raj, a temporary employee. After leaving the laboratory, she told her family about her ordeal, which they immediately reported to the hospital authorities.
The family also protested outside the hospital. The officials notified the local police station. Police said the accused was brought into jail and interrogated. The hospital administrators maintain that, while the local police are conducting their own inquiry, the institution’s internal complaints committee has also begun its investigation.
Aside from investigating the incident, the internal committee is also looking at the existing flaws in the hospital’s security system that allowed the molestation to occur.