Papaya: Know facts and health benefits

Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, papayas are a tropical fruit. It contains a number of health benefits, including chemicals that may improve heart health and fight cancer. Antioxidants included in papaya can reduce inflammation, illness, and maintain your youthful appearance.

It is a fruit of the Carica plant, originated in Central America and Southern Mexico, and is currently farmed worldwide. It is said that tough protein chains found in muscle meat can be broken down by the papaya enzyme papain. Because of this, people have been tenderising meat for thousands of years by using papaya.

Here’s a list of benefits of eating Papaya

1. Reduces risk of cancer 

Research suggests that the lycopene in papayas may reduce the risk of cancer. Furthermore, individuals undergoing cancer therapy may benefit from it. Papaya might work by reducing free radicals that cause cancer. Furthermore, papaya may possess unique qualities that set it apart from other fruits. Among the 14 fruits and vegetables with antioxidant qualities, only papaya exhibited anticancer action in breast cancer cells. An increase in papaya consumption could benefit heart health. Fruits high in vitamin C and lycopene have been shown in trials to potentially help prevent heart disease.

2. Glowing Skin 

Papaya not only keeps your body healthy but also makes your skin appear younger and more toned. Most age-related skin damage, such as sagging, wrinkles, and other issues, is assumed to be brought on by an excess of free radical activity.

3. Helps in production of molecules 

Your body produces reactive molecules known as free radicals as a result of metabolism. They could promote oxidative stress, which could lead to disease. Antioxidants such as the carotenoids in papayas help counteract free radicals. Fermented papaya has been shown in trials to reduce oxidative stress in elderly individuals, prediabetics, and those with liver disease, hypothyroidism, and moderate hypothyroidism.

4. Rich in Antioxidants 

The antioxidants in papayas may protect your heart and boost the health benefits of “good” HDL cholesterol. In one study, subjects who took a fermented papaya supplement for 14 weeks showed improved ratios of “bad” LDL to “good” HDL and reduced inflammation in comparison to the placebo group.

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