On Tuesday, the West Bengal health department suspended Sandip Ghosh, the former principal of the RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, a day after the CBI detained him for alleged financial irregularities. Ghosh was suspended 26 days after the body of an on-duty female medic, who was reportedly raped and murdered, was discovered in the seminar hall of the state-run RG Kar Hospital on August 9.
“In view of the ongoing criminal investigation against Prof (Dr) Sandip Ghosh, ex-principal, RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, he is placed under suspension… with immediate effect,” an order said.
On August 23, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was directed by the Calcutta High Court to take over the investigation into the suspected financial irregularities at RG Kar Hospital from the Special Investigation Team (SIT), a state-constituted organisation. The instruction was given in response to a request for an investigation by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) into several allegations of financial conduct violations at the state-run institute when Ghosh was serving as its principal, made by Dr. Akhtar Ali, a former deputy superintendent of the facility.
From February 2021 to September 2023, Ghosh was the principal of RG Kar Medical College. In October of that year, he was transferred from RG Kar, but within a month, he returned for unknown reasons. Up to the day the hospital doctor was discovered deceased, he remained in his role at the hospital.
Ali had filed a lawsuit in the High Court because of concerns about the possibility that the RG Kar medic’s death was related to the widespread corruption at the facility, and because the victim knew about the illegal actions and was afraid of being exposed. In the same case, the CBI detained three more people on Monday in addition to Ghosh. They are two suppliers who once provided the hospital with supplies, as well as his security guard.