The country’s well renowned TV news anchor Rohit Sardana died on Friday, April 30. He underwent RT-PCR test a few days ago, but his report came back negative. He was later confirmed to be COVID-19 positive in a CT scan. Since then, he was undergoing treatment. There are claims that say he did not die of COVID-19 but of cardiac arrest.
After his demise, large number of people have expressed grief by tweeting on social media. Former Indian cricketer Virender Sehwag wrote “Speechless. May God give strength to the young kids and family. Om Shanti.”
Speechless. May God give strength to the young kids and family.
#RohitSardana Om Shanti— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) April 30, 2021
Even after being infected with COVID-19, Rohit did not stop helping people. He constantly tried to reach out to people through Twitter. He tweeted at 8.45 pm on Thursday night, 12 hours before his death. In which help was sought for a patient named Karuna Srivastava admitted in Kanpur.
नाम-करुणा श्रीवास्तव
6 रेमडीसीवीर इंजेक्शन की अर्जेंट ज़रूरत है
गणेश हॉस्पिटल कानपुर.
अटेंडेंट ब्रजेश श्रीवास्तव-97948 48090@shalabhmani @rajiasup @CMOfficeUP— रोहित सरदाना (@sardanarohit) April 29, 2021
Rohit was born on 22 September in Kurukshetra, Haryana. After completing his schooling, he moved to Hisar and took admission in Guru Jambeshwar University of Science Technology. He first pursued his bachelor’s degree in psychology, then a masters in mass communication from the same university. Currently, Rohit was working in the news channel Aaj Tak based in Noida. Prior to this he served in institutions such as Sahara, Zee News. In the year 2018, Rohit Sardana was awarded the Ganesh Vidyarthi Award.