Smriti Irani is the Minister of Textiles & one of the most well-known women politician. She is also known for her love for memes and sharing hilarious videos online and she does not miss a chance to remind her fans of her iconic show Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi. Recently, she posted a video featuring tennis legend Steffi Graf, leaving netizens in splits. Sharing a video from the 90s of Graf being proposed to on-court by a spectator, the actor-turned-politician termed that video as: “Kyunki Bahu Bhi Kabhi Tennis Fan Thi.”
The video has captured hilarious moments when a fan screamed from the stands asking the 22 Grand Slam singles titles winner if she would marry him, while the latter was preparing to serve. The fans in the stands broke into laughter and the former World No.1 and her Wimbledon opponent too were smiling. Although, it was Steffi’s sassy reply that etched a special memory in everyone’s heart. The legend asked the fan that how much money does he has.
The original video was shared by Wimbledon to mark the 52nd birthday of the tennis legend Steffi Graf. The iconic moment took place on the court during a match between Steffi Graf and Japanese player Kimiko Date. As Irani shared the video, it once again caught the attention of netizens.