Woman ignores instructor’s guidance and simply yeets herself off a ledge

Zoe Mallett’s TikTok video has gone viral after she completely ignored the instructions given before taking part in a controlled jump. The video shows Zoe, properly harnessed and standing next to her instructor, preparing for a jump off a ledge. Instead of following the proper technique—leaning back with straight legs—she awkwardly “yeets” herself off the ledge like a marble rolling off a table. Her friend, in a classic English accent, shouts, “WHAT THE F***?” followed by “THAT LOOKED LIKE SHE DIED!” The instructor, also English, calmly reassures everyone, saying, “She’s fine, but that’s not what I said to do at all!”

While Zoe’s fine (she’s posted multiple replies on TikTok reassuring viewers), the video sparked a wave of reactions. Many viewers were confused about what was supposed to happen, with comments like, “Wait, what was she supposed to do?” and “I thought it was a zip line.” Her friend later clarified that Zoe was meant to lean back with straight legs—essentially a controlled descent, not the chaotic dive she executed.

The instructor’s reaction also caught the attention of viewers, with many noting his disappointment and facepalm. Comments like “He looked so disappointed,” and “He’s ready to quit” were common, as many assumed Zoe likely didn’t follow the instructions properly, despite probably being reminded multiple times.

This incident resonates with the results of a 2023 YouGov poll, where a significant number of Americans (52%) expressed dislike or hate for extreme sports, possibly because of incidents like Zoe’s where participants don’t follow safety procedures.

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