Wrestler Sushil Kumar’s accomplice was detained by Delhi Police on Friday in connection with the suspected murder of wrestler, Sagar Dhankar. The culprit has been identified as Rohit Kakor, according to Delhi Police. “Kakor was there at the time of the incident at the Chhatrasal Stadium,” police stated.
Sushil Kumar’s colleagues Rohit Kakor and Virendra Binder had previously been charged with a non-bailable warrant. Virendra has yet to be apprehended. In connection with the murder of 23-year-old Sagar Dhankar at Chhatrasal Stadium, eight people have been detained, including wrestler Sushil Kumar.
Sushil Kumar, a 38-year-old wrestler and a major suspect in the murder case, and his companion Ajay Bakkarwala were apprehended by a squad of Special Cell, Delhi Police on May 23 in the Mundka neighborhood of the national capital.
Delhi Court ordered Sushil Kumar six days of police detention. The Crime Branch of the Delhi Police is looking into the incident at Chhatrasal Stadium on May 4 that resulted in the suspected murder of Sagar Dhankar.
Additionally, the Delhi High Court will hear a plea filed by Sushil Kumar’s mother Kamla Devi and a law student today, which seeks to establish common norms for reporting in criminal cases while taking into account the rights of the accused, to end media trials and to ban “sensational reportage” in the wrestler’s case.