Veda Krishnamurthy said that her family was broken into pieces after she lost her mother and sister to COVID-19. She also said that she was slowly learning to tune herself out of that grief and stressed the importance of mental health assistance in such terrible situations. Nine members of her family fought the disease and her mother and sister passed away within two weeks of each other the last month in Karnataka.
She informed ESPNcricinfo in a depth post detailing her trauma that she is a big believer in what destiny holds for people but she really hoped that her sister would come back home. While destiny had some other plans as she didn’t, that she completely destroyed and all of her family members were broken into pieces. She still had to put up a brave face for the rest of the family. What she had to do in those testing couple of weeks was to learn to tune herself out of her grief. But it does keep coming back to haunt the people.
Veda further recalled that going through her Twitter feed at that time made her felt that a lot of people were struggling with something as basic as getting a doctor to instruct them on what they should be doing on whether to isolate at home or something else. She lastly said that she was not upset with the people who didn’t check on her but she thanked everyone who checked on her. She did get a call from the BCCI secretary as he said he is also in Bangalore and he will visit her.