Before the match against Mumbai Indians, Sunrisers Hyderabad’s wicketkeeper and batsman Wriddhiman Saha and also Delhi Capitals’ spin bowler Amit Mishra have tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday.
Cricket analyst and sports journalist Vikrant Gupta insisted the IPL board take a week’s break if they really want to continue this season ahead via a tweet.
“With Amit Mishra (Delhi) Wridhiman (Hyderabad) also testing positive there cannot and should not be a game tonight, as well as Hyderabad, were scheduled to play Mumbai. If they still want the IPL to go ahead there had to be a break this entire week.” Vikrant Gupta Tweet.
With Amit Mishra (Delhi) Wridhiman (Hyderabad) also testing positive there cannot and should not be a game tonight as well as Hyderabad were scheduled to play Mumbai. If they still want the IPL to go ahead there had to be a break this entire week
— Vikrant Gupta (@vikrantgupta73) May 4, 2021