NYT Crossword: answers for Saturday, January 25

The New York Times Crossword remains the ultimate test of wordsmithing skills and mental agility. Whether you’re a seasoned solver or just starting out, this challenging puzzle provides a satisfying mix of trivia, clever wordplay, and brain-teasing fun. Below are today’s answers for all the Across and Down clues to help you crack this crossword.


NYT Crossword Answers Saturday, January 25

Crosswords like this one are not just about filling in the blanks—they’re a mental workout that builds vocabulary, cultural knowledge, and pattern recognition. If you’re new, don’t sweat it; every pro solver started as a beginner. Stick with it, practice, and remember: it’s OK to look up a clue when you’re stuck—that’s learning in action.


  1. Undesirable airplane seatmateARMRESTHOG
  2. Sound from a hedge clipperSNIP
  3. “This is a waste of my time”WHYAMIHERE
  4. Strike one!POSE
  5. Body shops?MORTUARIES
  6. “Combats ___ tes défenseurs!” (“La Marseillaise” line)AVEC
  7. Poet BradstreetANNE
  8. Abbr. in some job titlesASST
  9. Coward of the theater worldNOEL
  10. Largest U.S. union, with about three million members, in briefNEA
  11. Funding source for the Great Wall of ChinaSALTTAX
  12. Org. in 2015’s “Bridge of Spies”CIA
  13. BrassGALL
  14. Felt in the Christmas spirit?ELFHATS
  15. “The Way,” in IslamSHARIA
  16. A, B, and C, but not T and VVITAMINS
  17. Under controlTAMED
  18. One working on a column?CPA
  19. Sight in Monet’s “Boating on the River Epte”CANOE
  20. Current eventsRIPTIDES
  21. SpreadsSTREWS
  22. Novel technology?EREADER
  23. JamSPOT
  24. Old atlas inits.SSR
  25. In the 80s or 90s, sayOVERPAR
  26. Take another directionZIG
  27. It’s fit for a kingSASH
  28. Classic novel of the South SeasOMOO
  29. Some photomontage artDADA
  30. ___ Mountains, Kyrgyz/Tajik border rangeALAI
  31. They’ll show you a thing or twoTOURGUIDES
  32. Weight of an adult elephant, very impreciselyTONS
  33. InitiativeENTERPRISE
  34. Segments of curling matchesENDS
  35. Holders of orbsEYESOCKETS


  1. “Ugh, that’s the worst!”AWMAN
  2. It passes through many Swiss banksRHONE
  3. Loy of filmdomMYRNA
  4. Thing of interest?RATE
  5. Foe in a 1932 Australian “war”EMU
  6. “Cheap Thrills” pop starSIA
  7. ClutchesTHRALL
  8. Job that might require a fenceHEIST
  9. Aeschylus trilogy of tragediesORESTEIA
  10. The forest, in a metaphorGESTALT
  11. Extend acrossSPAN
  12. Number at filling stations?NOVOCAINE
  13. “Oh-h-h-h, that makes sense”ISEEITNOW
  14. They support many student movementsPECLASSES
  15. Joined a unionSAIDIDO
  16. ___ nage (cooked in a broth)ALA
  17. Certain somethingXFACTOR
  18. “Barbie” director GerwigGRETA
  19. Asian grocery chainHMART
  20. Consumed with grief?STRESSATE
  21. Where locks are picked?HAIRSALON
  22. S&P 500 partAMPERSAND
  23. Some corp. execsVPS
  24. Confirmation, e.g.CEREMONY
  25. Ardent supporterDEVOTEE
  26. Place whose name has an appropriate final vowel soundSPA
  27. Reproductive cellsSPORES
  28. Dispatch (toward)ROUTE
  29. ___ Smith, “The Autograph Man” novelistZADIE
  30. NamelyIDEST
  31. Sublimation productsGASES
  32. Indicator of deflationHISS
  33. Long-bladed thrusting daggerDIRK
  34. Miracle-___GRO
  35. Lines at a grocery storeUPC

Happy solving! 🧩

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