The Syrian civil war officially began in March 15, 2011. This year was the 10th anniversary of this brutal war. The Syrian refugee crisis remains the world’s largest refugee and displacement of the time after World War 2. This conflict has made many families suffer and has killed hundreds of thousands of people, has torn the nation apart and has brought the standard of living back to decades.
In 2010, many violent crackdowns by the Syrian security began after peaceful protests in southern cities. The Syrian was was started when young people took to the streets seeking government reforms. This movement was a part of the social media-fueled Arab Spring that swept through the Middle East and North Africa. The rest is history written with the loss of home’s of many and with the blood of it’s own people.
The conflict tore down the lives of millions as the government forces and militant groups fought to take and rule the territory.
What makes it a fragile state?
The country’s weak governance, not to mention the destructed social services and institutions.
Around 11.1 million people in Syria are in a need of humanitarian assistance and half of them affected are children.
The healthcare centres/ hospitals, schools, utilities, water and sanitation systems are damaged and destroyed. The historic landmarks and busy marketplaces have turned to debris. Even the business and social life was severed by the war, which cut off ties with it’s neighbouring communities.
This is not it, there’s more to know about. Here are some quick facts to acknowledge:
- Over half a million killed.
There has been such a tragic loss of many lives. Approximately 55,000 children have been killed. Some over 100,000 died of torture and around 100,000 are imprisoned. 3 million people are living with some form of disability.
- The psychological impact is immense.
The widespread psychological trauma amongst the people is not a joke and has been actually very intense which also led many to flee. Over 75% and more Syrian refugees have been reported with PTSD. Many have lost their families including children. And only 15% of them have access mental health supports. The increase in Gender Based Violence has made women feel unsafe in their homes.
- The economy in Syria has collapsed.
The infrastructure of Syria has collapsed or been destroyed. The electricity infrastructure has been more than 70% damaged due to the war. One out of three schools are ruined or have been taken over by armed groups. 70% healthcare workers have fled the conflict, and only 58% of hospitals are fully functional. Whereas some estimates put the economic cost of the decade of conflict at 1 trillion dollars.
- Desperate need for humanitarian aid.
The children are facing some of the most difficult conditions than they have ever had in this 10-year conflict. The cost of food in Syria is 33 times higher now than compared to pre war times. Over 9 million people are at a risk of going hungry. 13 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. Over 60% of Syrians lack access to nutritious and safe food. One out of three children are suffering from stunting and 2.7 million people are living outside the government’s control in camps.
- Half of the Syrians have been uprooted.
Over 5.5 million people from Syria have fled to their neighbouring countries, mostly to Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. The living conditions have been extremely difficult for the refugees and nine out of ten families are living in poverty in Lebanon. Most of the refugees live under tents with only basic essentials which are not enough to protect them against the many natural conditions. Many of them are not even employed, without proper education or stable homes.
- Syria under COVID-19 can cause huge fatality.
On top of the many challenges faced by the people of Syria, they are also facing the pandemic due to which thousands of people have died. Though the lack of testing and country’s health system might even lead to a higher number of COVID-19 cases. The virus is now widespread amongst the community, concerning the refugee camps where social distancing is impossible, hence the virus is a worry for rapid spread. The COVID-19 restrictions has hit the refugees badly due to the economical collapse.
- Children of Syria are suffering.
What are the children going through you may ask? Millions of children have lost their childhood to this war. The children are suffering from diseases and malnutrition, the poor sanitation has brought up cholera and pneumatic infections to them. Children are working as labours and soldiers to support their families. These children are facing abuse and going through child marriages. They are being sexually exploited, and girls are married off in the fear of being molested. The children lack education, which is the building foundation for everyone, without it the children might face unemployment and poverty.
What you can do here is to pray for these lives and give as much help as you can through the donations made to the funds acting towards the betterment of the Syrians betterment.