Wordle Today: Wordle answer and hints for December 28

We’ve got the solution for today’s Wordle (December 28), along with some helpful hints to help you solve it on your own if you’re still stumped. Don’t worry, we’ve hidden the answer at the bottom of the page, so you won’t accidentally spoil it for yourself before you’ve had a chance to work through the clues. Let’s kick things off by revisiting yesterday’s Wordle answer.


Yesterday’s Wordle Answer

For those new to Wordle or just not playing every day, yesterday’s answer was “GRAIN.” So, today’s Wordle definitely isn’t that word. Now that we’ve cleared that up, maybe take a guess with one of these suggested starting words, and come back here if you’re still stuck!


Hints for Today’s Wordle

Still not sure what the answer is? Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Before we give you the solution, here are three hints to guide you in the right direction without just handing it over:

  1. Today’s Wordle includes the letter Y.
  2. The word has two vowels.
  3. Today’s word is something related to showing disapproval.

If you’ve got your thinking cap on and can’t figure it out just yet, keep scrolling for the answer!


Today’s Wordle Answer

If you’ve run out of guesses or simply want to keep your streak going, here’s the answer to today’s Wordle:



Today’s Wordle Definition

So, what does “decry” mean? According to our trusty friend ChatGPT, to decry means to publicly criticize or express strong disapproval of something. It’s often used when condemning or denouncing an idea, action, or situation, usually in a forceful or outspoken way.

For example:

  • “The senator decried the government’s handling of the crisis.”
  • “Many environmental groups have decried the destruction of the forest.”


Tips for Tomorrow’s Wordle

Wordle might seem like all luck at first, but there are strategies that can increase your chances of getting the word early. The key is to make sure your first guess counts. Try to use a word that includes a lot of vowels (A, E, I, O, U), which can quickly help you rule in or out important letters.

Some popular first guesses that Wordle players have had good luck with include “adieu,” “media,” “arise,” and “radio.” Just make sure not to use any double letters—you don’t want to waste any guesses. The goal with your first word is to figure out which vowels the mystery word has, and then start working in common consonants.

Your second guess should focus more on consonants like R, S, and T. Good words to try here are “stern,” “irate,” and “atone.” Always remember not to reuse any letters that showed up as gray, since those letters are definitely not in the word.

Now that you’ve got the answer and some tips to keep your streak alive, feel free to check out other Wordle-inspired games to test your puzzle-solving skills!

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