Rajkumar Rao will feature in Spotify’s novel series, “Ruk Jaana Nahi”,to acknowledge the efforts of all the unsung heroes of the COVID -19 pandemic.
While the praises for all our frontline workers knows no bound, the pandemic has shed light on the contribution of people from all walks of life who have come together to defeat the lethal virus.
Everyone’s doing their bit to make this world a safer place, be it a housewife cooking 4 meals a day to cater to the COVID ward, a rickshaw driver driving patients up and down the hospital, chemists working 24/7 to cater to the needs of all and every patient or any ordinary person who risks their lives in order to help those engulfed by this infection.
The work of these unsung heroes will be brought to the forefront by way of heartwarming video and audio’s that give you a glimpse into their “new normal” lives.
The series will be hosted by the extremely versatile Rajkumar Rao and is spread across 8 episodes that shares selfless acts of kindness of these local heroes.
Amongst the videos that celebrate the contribution of ordinary people in the fight against COVID, there are episodes featuring doctors clad in PPE suits for over 12 hours, entrepreneurs supplying homemade food to patients free of cost, and all those who made use of technology to connect patients with medical facilities, oxygen cylinders and life-saving drugs.
The series starts with a moving poem written by Swanand Kirkire, which encourages us to never give up and continue striving for what we believe in.