Shah Rukh Khan has established himself as one of cinema’s biggest Bollywood stars in the course of his 30-year career in the Bollywood film industry. While he is now preparing for King, which marks his daughter Suhana Khan’s big screen debut, Khan is also getting multiple offers from filmmakers across the board to launch his son, Aryan Khan.
As per insiders close to the project, a few prominent producers and directors have approached Shah Rukh Khan about launching Aryan Khan in the greatest possible way on the big screen. They quoted, “Everyone who has met Aryan believes he has the personality and aura to be the star the business is looking for. Over the previous year, Shah Rukh Khan and Aryan Khan have been given a picture by Karan Johar, an epic by Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra, as well as prospective launch offers from his director and filmmaker pals Aditya Chopra and Farah Khan, among others.”
The source further added, “However, Aryan is presently focusing on finishing his directorial debut, Stardom, for a leading digital player. Once the work on Stardom is wrapped up, will he sit down with father, Shah Rukh Khan, and take-a-decision if acting is his calling. Right now, he is content being on the creative side and wants to focus on direction in the long run too, but everyone in the industry is hopeful for him to switch gears and take on to acting.”
Shah Rukh Khan, on the other hand, is slated to begin shooting for his next film, King, directed by Sujoy Ghosh, in December/January.