Donald Trump’s latest outburst, involving a desire to “annex” the Panama Canal, is a bizarre and reckless example of his ongoing attempts to stoke nationalist fervor, tapping into a version of “Manifest Destiny” that feels as outdated as it is delusional. With a history of making outlandish and often factually incorrect claims, Trump’s latest tirade seems to be another example of his grandiose, imperialist fantasies—except this time, his sights are set on a piece of territory that belongs to Panama, not the United States.
In a post on Truth Social, Trump raged about the supposed “rip-off” of America by Panama over canal fees, framing it as an economic injustice. This, however, takes a dive into absurdity when he wildly inflates the death toll during the canal’s construction, claiming 38,000 Americans perished, while the real number was closer to 5,600, and many of those were Caribbean workers, not Americans. He also criticized former President Jimmy Carter for the U.S. relinquishing control over the canal in 1999, despite the move being supported by a U.S. Senate that recognized the importance of respecting Panama’s sovereignty—a key point of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties signed in 1977.
Trump’s claims also veer into conspiracy territory, as he suggests, without any evidence, that China has some sort of undue influence over the canal, despite the fact that the canal itself remains under full Panamanian control. His vague insinuations about foreign interference echo the same imperial rhetoric he regularly espouses, often without grasping the irony of his own actions.
Beyond the politics, this fits into a larger pattern of Trump’s often erratic statements—like his claim that the U.S. and Italy have had close ties since the time of Julius Caesar—which undermine any credibility he might have left. It’s easy to dismiss this latest rant as another example of Trump’s out-of-touch and irresponsible approach to foreign relations, but it also serves as a reminder of how dangerous it can be when someone with such a distorted view of history and international diplomacy seeks to dictate policy.
Meanwhile, his followers will likely continue to latch onto every word, just as they have with his other baseless claims, including the infamous vaccine-autism debacle. It’s a troubling but predictable cycle, with Trump’s MAGA base ready to gobble up whatever he dishes out, no matter how ridiculous or factually incorrect. The global community, on the other hand, would be better served by a return to sanity, with adults—preferably with a grasp of history and international law—steering the ship of state.