Indian Playback singer Shreya Ghoshal took to Instagram on Wednesday to introduce her newborn son to the world. Shreya and her husband Shiladitya, who have named their son Devyaan Shiladitya Mukhopadhyaya, also shared his first photograph.
The Dola ra Dola singer recently shared an image on Instagram where she can be seen holding her son in her arms and staring at him while husband Shiladitya keeps his left hand below the child’s head and smiles at him.
Alongside the photo, Shreya wrote: “Introducing — ‘Devyaan Mukhopadhyaya”
She further added “He arrived on 22nd May and changed our lives forever. In that first glimpse, as he is born, he filled our hearts with a kind of love only a mother & a father can feel for their child. Pure uncontrollable overwhelming love. It is still feeling like a dream. @shiladitya anIme are so grateful for this beautiful gift of life.”
On May 22, Shreya had shared the news of her son’ Instagram post. The singer wrote: “God has blessed us with a precious baby boy this afternoon. It’s an emotion never felt before. @shiladitya and I along with our families are overjoyed. Thank you for your countless blessings for our little bundle of joy.”